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Seite A:
1. Lust to Lynch
2. Violent Raid
3. Plague of Violence
4. Skull Splitting Attack
5. Thrashorcism

Seite B:
6. Like Vultures
7. Awaken the Claw
8. Last Blood
9. Challenge to Kill
10. The Evil Horde

Seite A:
1. Lust to Lynch
2. Violent Raid
3. Plague of Violence
4. Skull Splitting Attack
5. Thrashorcism

Seite B:
6. Like Vultures
7. Awaken the Claw
8. Last Blood
9. Challenge to Kill
10. The Evil Horde

1. Lust to Lynch
2. Violent Raid
3. Plague of Violence
4. Skull Splitting Attack
5. Thrashorcism
6. Like Vultures
7. Awaken the Claw
8. Last Blood
9. Challenge to Kill
10. The Evil Horde

1. Hit in the Pit
2. Spreading the Virus
3. Nuclear Thrash Mutants
4. Target for Tonight
5. Drink Fast or Die
6. Milling Drilling Killing
7. Terror Tentacle
8. Instant Asshole
9. Iron Fist Punch Attack
10. Tits to Die For

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